Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Edgewood

Disclaimer: Theoretically my boyfriend-roommate J and I eat out once a week. Since I started this blog, my plan was to eat out once a week. Like, you know, leave the house and find somewhere cool with food. Well, fun fact, we both get home from work, toss around food ideas if we don't feel like cooking and nine times out of 10 order Chinese food.

This particular night, we "ate out" thanks in part to Zifty, which is a fabulous-yet-quite-pricey delivery service that goes to restaurants, picks up our orders and brings them to our doorstep. For like, a $5 surcharge plus tip, which hurts my soul a tad bit.

But on the plus side, we actually tried somewhere new this time instead of our Chinese, Thai or pizza standbys (which I will also blog about, because there's a reason we get food from them so often. It's GOOD).

We ordered from The Mercantile.

The Edgewood sandwich is a play on a Cuban, featuring ham, Swiss, dijon
and homemade pear preserves. It's equally sweet and spicy and comes pressed.
The Atmosphere: Well, since we didn't eat at the restaurant, the location we did eat at (which was our couch) was quite clean and well-kept. Recently vacuumed and an excellent view of the television. But for realskis, check out the website. The Mercantile is an Atlanta bakery, sandwich shop and family-style meal kitchen that has a weekly menu change plus regular staples. It looks quaint and cute, but probably more of a grab-and-go style locale than a sit-down restaurant. Also, I like the logo. I am a big fan of logos. Yes, I am also that person who judges wine based on their labels. Don't hate.

The Food: I took a gander at The Edgewood, a sandwich inspired by the Cuban (ham, Swiss, banana peppers, mustard). The Edgewood featured dijon mustard and homemade pear preserves. But no banana peppers, which I initially found disappointing, but the sandwich was different enough that I didn't miss them much!

The Flavors: Not too shabby. I enjoyed how intensely spicy the dijon was, actually. It melded quite well with the pear preserves, which was a thick spread without chunks of fruit in it. I also liked that the sandwich was pressed, but I think some of that presentation factor was lost given that we ate it out of a Styrofoam box instead of a pretty plate in a cute little Atlanta shop.

The Verdict: The sandwich was good, but expensive given its small size. It also did not come with a side or drink (chips were approximately $2 a bag). I'd like to check out the restaurant itself, as well as some of its other offerings, but probably won't order this one again from Zifty.

Since I'm willing to try here again, here's a sneak peek at my next choice, The Cabbagetown (all of their sandwiches, by the way, are named for Atlanta-area neighborhoods): Peanut butter, chili paste, raisins, apples, cucumber and arugula. I would also add bacon, because homie don't play vegan very well.

It also appears that The Mercantile has free wine tastings. Yo, who's in?

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